The Value of Design

What is Design

In short, design is a method of problem solving. An architectural blueprint, a signage system at a shopping mall, a website or how a user is guided to interact with your application, design helps all these problems.


Where is Design Found

  • Mobile
    • Enabling new business scenarios.
    • improvements to applications in response to user interaction.
    • UX/UI design to differentiate with target market competition.
  • Cloud computing
    • For driving business agility.
    • To enable users to receive quicker response times.
  • Big data
    • For helping companies innovate.
    • To help companies understand their market.
  • Social channels
    • Transforming core business processes.
    • UX/UI design to compete and maintain loyalty.
  • Artificial intelligence
    • Automating business processes.
    • Help strategic business plan.

More Than Just Feelings

Analytical analysis of customer interaction with a website or application is dependent on design to allow for easy flow through or the painful “always clicking” syndrome to achieve the result intended.

Without design, your customers may lose trust as working through your website or application is a tedious experience without a well thought out plan in advance of how your customers use them.


More Than a Phase

Think of design as a continuous process. Take Amazon Inc for example. Were they to have never moved beyond their original web design, we would not be talking about them today. Design is reflective of your business, brand and customer expectations.


Design Incorporates the Business

Working with UX/UI, Engineers, Sales & Marketing, Stakeholders etc., design is prevalent in all facets of your business. Without design, it is fairly logical to see the inevitable.


More Than Just a Product

Look beyond your product or service and employ design in every aspect of your business. Companies that do very well will always look to improve on an existing product or take a leap toward a new venture, be it a service or another product. This movement from one business aspect to another requires design to take place to ask what your customer needs and if you are able to meet that demand.


No Longer a Luxury

Design is used as the driver of change as it is the direct result of the information acquired in business related to moving the business forward. To stay competitive along all levels, design is a direct result of your business stagnation or growth.